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Pingente de cervo celta em madeira de nogueira exclusivo esculpido à mão estilo 2

Pingente de cervo celta em madeira de nogueira exclusivo esculpido à mão estilo 2

Preço normal R$ 290,00 BRL
Preço normal R$ 264,00 BRL Preço promocional R$ 290,00 BRL
Tributo incluído.

  • Exquisitely hand-carved Celtic Deer pendant from American Walnut Wood
  • Symbolizes gentleness, intuition, and a deep spiritual connection in Celtic mythology
  • Brings the essence of Celtic nature and spiritual insight into your life
  • Crafted by expert craftsmen from superior American Walnut Wood
  • A meaningful piece that connects the wearer to Celtic wisdom and natural elegance
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Descrição: O que este produto representa?

Discover the gentle spirit of the Celtic Deer with this Pendant Style 2, a masterpiece that intricately blends the natural world's elegance with profound spiritual symbolism. The deer, cherished in Celtic lore for its gentleness and intuitive connection, serves as a symbol for bridging the earthly and the ethereal, guiding us toward inner peace and understanding.

Meticulously hand-carved from the rich, dark tones of American Walnut Wood, this pendant not only stands as a testament to artisanal skill but also embodies the rustic beauty and intricate patterns of nature itself. The craftsmanship highlights the deer's symbolic association with intuition and connection, rendering it a piece that truly captures the essence of Celtic spirituality and the splendor of the natural world.

This pendant appeals to those who feel a kinship with Celtic traditions, the graceful poise of the deer, or the unparalleled craftsmanship of the artifact. It acts as a talisman of wisdom, guiding the wearer through their spiritual journey with the gentle, intuitive grace of the Celtic deer.

Let the Celtic Deer Pendant Style 2 be your companion in embracing the interconnectedness of life and the subtle intuition that navigates our paths, keeping the timeless wisdom of the Celtic tradition and the beauty of nature close to your heart.

SKU : CW127

Informações adicionais

Size: 4.3 x 4 cm
Work Time: 2 hours
Wood: American Walnut
Made In: Italy

As part of our exclusive Raw Line collection, each pendant is uniquely crafted, ensuring that no two are exactly alike, celebrating the individual journey of each piece and the wearer's connection to Celtic heritage and natural beauty.

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